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Week 10: FMP Ideas

Now that the style matrix projects are out the way it's time to knuckle down and concentrate on the Final major project. For the last project in my university studies I have decided to be part of a group with Myself, Mark Eastland, Denise Jones and Dominic Mathuse.

Our team has a range of different skills and disciplines which means that each of us will take different experience from working in this project and our work will be bolstered by each other's.

Me and Mark are the Environment Artists responsible for creating the assets and creating the 3D Environment, Denise will be our concept artist tasked with making awesome concept art for me and mark to work with and Dom will be our Technical Artist who will work on shaders and tools to enhance our Unreal engine Environment.

The planning stages and idea exploration actually started during the style matrix projects but here is an overview of the ideas we explored in our meetings.

-Pompei volcano environment and escaping the city

-Nazi/Russian Communist war base situated on a pacific island with a volcano (from previous idea)

-Bali/indonesian Temple ruins on a mountain overlooking a valley

-Dark souls' esc gothic environment with a cathedral centre piece that was surrounded by japanese architecture.

-Haunted house/mansion that had fun elements and a very stylised look

-Native american Villages on mountain side overlooking vast plains of american countryside

-Dios de la muerta (Day of the dead celebration)

As with most group projects there were mixed feelings towards each project idea however I did know that I wanted to stay away from a fully stylised game environment as I did not like their method of texturing mainly hand painting textures.

There was an idea to create an environment based on the book and the new show "The Man In the High Castle" specifically a Nazi occupied New York but it felt like we were trying to ride on someone's coat tails and jumping on a bandwagon did not feel right.

However I urged my team to consider the Bali/Javanese environment as I was hoping to do a project based around my culture in Indonesia for a while now but I haven't had the chance to do so in my previous years.

Anyway i'll leave you with a mood board of some images of a Bali environment.

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