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Week 33: Wait.. it's done?!

That's 3 Years? already? I Don't believe it! My time in university has flown past me so quickly I'm really sad that it's coming to a close already.

Well this week has been primarily populating and making things super nice for hand in. I placed more of the bricks around the placed and created areas where the walls have been deleted in favour of a destroyed looking brick ensemble. I tweaked the level around just to make it look less straight and more dynamic like a ruined temple should look.

Mark was rather conservative with his placement of ivy and was a tad bit angry when I went wild with the placement, Although it does feel a lot more like an overgrown temple than a gardened one. He eventually agreed that the end result was nice.

I made some final things this week such as MORE POTS! because looking at the pictures of Indonesian pots and the variety they have i knew that the level needed that.

I populated and tweaked areas inside the cave that did not make sense such as growing ivy in the dark?planks of wood in odd placements and sorted out the inner temple area since mark was running out of ideas on how to improve it. I suggested a bridge arrangement that had lanterns running along it. If this was a game level no one would question the reason why a torch is lit in a monster infested catacomb, only that it shows where the player will go next. so i thought why not right?

I tried to play around with the speed tree program to make roots for inside the cave as i noticed in games the walls of a cave such as in tomb raider would be broken up with tree roots. I tried making roots in speed tree but the result did not feel natural enough, so i came in and wen't through it with Casto and Mark, Here's what it looks like.

I tweaked the arrangement of the cave a bit more and played around with the nice coins Mark made last week, I scattered them around the place to make it look like the temple has treasure area.

I went through with Mark about the LOD importing as he said he had some trouble with it. the process was simple in theory however the bugs with unreal engine 4 made it rather time consuming as each light map kept bugging out and needing it to be changed twice.

I Had a chance to closely inspect some assets in the cave and noticed that the texture for Marks tongue could be improved more to make it have an organic texture and slimy. I went through it with him and re textured the teeth tongue and eyes with him.

I also searched online to find some sounds to fill the empty void that is monster area. It needed a Roar, I've found some nice sounds on free sound. I also wanted a scary suspense violin sound through the boat ride to heighten the scary feeling inside the cave.

So comes thursday when we finally finish everything, LODS done, population done and went through the level trying to break it as much as possible.

We build the lighting on preview and everything was fine however when we came to building it on production a whole mess of problems arose and by friday we were panicking how to sort things out.

Luckily everything went alright and we finished the FMP. Here comes the beauty shots.

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